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Women of WÜSTHOF

Viola Wüsthof

WÜSTHOF is thrilled to champion more women in executive roles now than at any other time in our 208-year history. In honour of International Women’s Day, we spoke with some of WÜSTHOF’s leading women about their career accomplishments, inspirations, and the best advice they’ve ever received.

Viola Wüsthof

Viola Wüsthof

WÜSTHOF Managing Partner

What is one of your proudest accomplishments as a woman in leadership?

At WÜSTHOF, I’m the first female in leadership after six generations! 

What are the benefits of having women in leadership?

When you bring men and women together in leadership, you have many synergetic effects! And different points of view are important, especially for long-term business.

What makes a good leader?

Follow your values. Be authentic, responsible, courageous, and passionate. Respect towards employees, resources, nature, and economics is fundamental.

What do you admire about your female coworkers?

I am happy to have them on my team working in sectors previously reserved for men. 

Do you have any advice for women looking to move into a leadership role?

Be as you are! Understand your values and believe in yourself.

What’s the most important piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

Be yourself, be true, believe in you! 

If your personality were a WÜSTHOF knife series, which one would it be and why?

On the one hand: Amici for sure! And on the other hand: Performer - for sure as well.

Jillian Gresk

Jillian Gresk

VP Global Digital

What is one of your proudest accomplishments as a woman in leadership?

I am grateful for those who believed in me and challenged me to take on new opportunities throughout my career. I am extremely proud of the personal and professional growth I have had and to be able to show my son that hard work and dedication pays off.  The other proudest moments I have had is watching members of your team take on something outside their comfort zone, while being a little afraid and completely succeed. It is truly the greatest satisfaction to see the ones around you level up, expand their knowledge and build confidence. I love the JUMP IN mentality and am honoured to even have a piece of someone's success by supporting them.

In your opinion, what are the benefits of having women in leadership?

It is critically important to have a diverse group of people with different experiences, paths and views that makes for interesting conversation and true ownership that results in action. Then it is our responsibility to lift up the next generation.

What makes a good leader?

I believe a good leader is courageous, humble and actively listens to those around. You have to care about the people you lead and support them while being kind but fair. Always start from a foundation of trust, respect and understanding. Honest but kind feedback never hurts either. And to always continue to sharpen your skills with leadership education.

What do you admire about your female coworkers?

I admire so much about the females I work with. They are fierce, smart, kind, independent and show up to support each other. While also being loving moms, wives, partners, family members and part of their community. 

Do you have any advice for women looking to move into a leadership role?

Find people you trust to be vulnerable with and ask a lot of questions. Ask for feedback. It can be a mentor or just a friend you respect.

Which women inspire you and why?

I love me some Brené Brown. She really started the conversation on vulnerability and how that is a powerful quality, not a weakness in business. That letting your walls down is where the greatness happens. Communicate with an honest open heart and set the example that it is "ok" to go there and get the most out of your teams. I love that she is no-nonsense, doesn't act perfectly, owns her faults and continues to give us the tools to do the same.

What’s the most important piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

My mom always said "walk with a purpose, don't let anyone steal you" every time I left the house from a very young age. I have taken that with me to this day. Travelling alone, in a parking garage, at a grocery store.

When it comes to business, "always negotiate". Which has served me very well in my career. 

If your personality were a WÜSTHOF knife series, which one would it be and why?

The Performer Series: The hardest exterior and maybe a little intimidating but the most sensitive and empathetic person you will meet.

Meg Hamilton, President WÜSTHOF USA

Meg Hamilton


What is one of your proudest accomplishments as a woman in leadership?

My proudest moment would be becoming President of WÜSTHOF. Not because of the title, but because I have the privilege of leading an amazing team of men and women that love this brand and company.

What are the benefits of having women in leadership?

I think it is always good to have a balance of men and women in leadership. It brings a fresh outlook and different perspectives. 

What makes a good leader?

A good leader needs to have passion for what they do and stand for. They must be able to translate that passion to their team and inspire their team to be the best they can be. A truly great leader needs to be authentic and lead from the heart. They must put their team first. They must listen and empower their team. 

What do you admire about your female coworkers?

WÜSTHOF has some amazing women working for the company. These women are not afraid to get their hands dirty and dig in when needed. They have high standards and hold themselves accountable as much as their teams. They are great mentors.

Which women inspire you and why?

So many women, but my biggest female inspiration is my mother. She was a single parent that dedicated herself to raising strong, independent women. She taught us to lead by example and that we could do or be anything we wanted to be. 

What’s the most important piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

My mother always taught us the golden rule: “Treat people the way you want to be treated.” I use this mantra every day, both in business and in my personal life. This goes for team members, customers, end consumers, and suppliers. 

If your personality were a WÜSTHOF knife series, which one would it be and why?

Classic Ikon: practical, well-balanced, and strong, with an elegant simplicity.

Katja Fischer

Katja Fischer

Global Creative Director

If your personality were a WÜSTHOF knife series, which would it be and why?

I believe anyone who knows me well can tell right away which knife series suits my personality :-) Colour, colour, colour... of course, Classic Colour! The Original with coloured handles and stylish brass rivets.

I love colour in all its facets, whether it‘s monochrome looks, bold contrasts, signal colours, and so forth. As a designer, I‘ve always worked with colour and it defines my life, even in my personal space. Colours can create such different worlds and express feelings; they‘re very personal and individual.

Also, my fashion style has always been about colour and I‘m not afraid to be bold. Individuality and personal expression are very important to me and working with colour just gives me immense joy!

What’s the most important piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

As I‘m very emotional, one piece of advice I always take to heart is: "Always look at things objectively and put aside any emotion and try to stay calm and not let things get too close to me“

Do you have any advice for women looking to move into a leadership role?

It‘s important for both women and men to stay true to themselves and avoid playing a ‘role’. Remaining curious and open-minded is key. Finally, I would advise women not to let themselves be discouraged, to voice their opinions, and to be courageous. However, when women stay true to themselves and showcase their strengths, they can achieve a lot.

What makes a good leader?

Two of the most important things are listening and taking responsibility. Overall, I think a good leader is empathetic and open, honest and trustworthy, helpful and communicative. And last but not least: inspiring.

Which women inspire you and why?

There are so many amazing women who inspire me and whom I admire – whether in my personal life, at work, or well-known figures from art, music, sports or politics.

Vivien Westwood, for example, was a great woman in my opinion. Even in her recent passing, Vivienne‘s impact continues to resonate deeply with me. Her strength of character and bold fashion statements have always been a source of inspiration. Vivienne‘s commitment to human rights, disarmament, and environmental causes was evident in her work, making her an icon of both style and substance.

She projected her vision for a better world through her designs, inspiring not only the fashion industry but a wider audience as well. Vivienne‘s authenticity and unwavering dedication to her values serve as a reminder to stay true to oneself and stand up for what really matters. I perceive her legacy as deeply inspiring and a testament to the power of authenticity and purpose in our work and lives.

Gwen Wüsthof, WÜSTHOF Academy Director

Gwen Wüsthof

WÜSTHOF Academy Director

What is one of your proudest accomplishments as a woman in leadership?

At WÜSTHOF, I have the honour of leading our Learning and Development Academy. One of the academy’s first initiatives was developing a leadership program. We are nearly through our first year of this program, and the growth and change I have witnessed with our first class has been my proudest accomplishment. Seeing the dedication to hard, personal work pay off has been rewarding. I am equally proud of the women and men in this program. 

My first foot forward in anything I have done has not been about seeing myself as a woman in whatever field or position I have been in — and I have spent significant parts of my career in fields that are typically made up of fewer women (chemistry, firefighting, and leadership). To me, the key to success is to tap into your unique, personal values and strengths and work from there. Sometimes this is connected to being a woman, sometimes it isn’t. 

What makes a good leader? 

Well, this is one of my favourite topics, but I will try to keep it brief with the 5 components I think comprise a good leader:

Personal Integrity. Understanding who you are, your values, and your deepest motivations creates the foundation for authenticity and the ability to lead from a place where you truly know yourself. A leader who understands their genuine values, passions, and purpose knows their cause and their reasons for pursuing it. It is not about position, title, or ego. This creates a deep confidence and openness to possibilities. Know yourself, don’t compromise on your core convictions, wrestle your dragons, and you’ll be the kind of leader others want to be led by. 

A Commitment to Growing Others. Leadership comes with a responsibility to grow individuals and teams. Leaders who understand and actively pursue this can make positive, forward-moving impact on the community of people they lead. 

Consistent Yet Flexible. Leaders who demonstrate self-discipline and consistency show up with focus, determination, and a steady hand. In the face of challenge, they find a way forward. The flexible side of the coin is the ability to show up with a leadership style that meets the team’s current development needs. Every team is on a development journey, and depending on the current phase, a good leader knows when it is time to direct, coach, support, or delegate. Too often we see leaders who expect the team to meet the leader’s style or ego needs. 

Ability to Listen. Easy to say, hard for leaders to do.

Humility. A lot can be written about this, but being a humble leader helps you see outside yourself.  A humble leader can more easily take on the responsibility of growing others, meet the team’s development needs, and listen. 

What do you admire about your female coworkers?

At WÜSTHOF, we are blessed to have many female co-workers and leaders. What I admire most is their ability to balance care for others and push for results. Every day they practice building trust by working with heart, compassion, capability, commitment, and credibility. 

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